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How do I excuse my child’s absence?

Excused absences and tardies must be verified by a parent or guardian within two (2) business days of the absence.
You can send  a note of explanation with your student to turn in to his or her school’s attendance office, or contact the school to excuse the absence. To prearrange an absence, contact your child’s school prior to the absence.

There are a number of different reasons why students miss school. WAC 392-401 defines which of these reasons qualify as excused daily absences and which are unexcused. Any absence that is not verified by a parent or guardian per FWPS policy is considered unexcused.

After five (5) consecutive days of absence due to a health condition, or an accumulation of ten (10) absences during a single semester due to illness or a health condition, a note of explanation signed by a doctor may be required, unless the absence was pre-arranged. 

If your child has a chronic medical condition or illness that causes him or her to miss school frequently, please contact your school nurse to discuss whether there are accommodations or support that your child’s school can offer.